Saturday, March 28, 2015

A Gift of Peace from Salaam Centre to non-Muslim Brothers and Sisters

Salaam Centre's Publication to distribute among non-Muslim Brothers and Sisters.

Salaam Centre has Published 3 books titles, written by its Chairman Mr. Syed Hamid Mohsin, these books has been written specially for the Dawah Purpose, from these books a Truth seeker can easyly understand the truth and make his own view about Islam, instead of filling his mind with bias and myths, these books will open the minds of the reader towards the Truth.

Mr. Mohsin's  books are titled;

1. FOLLOW ME, God Will Love You
A book on life and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
2. ISLAM Facts vs Fictions
a book to remove Misconceptions about Islam & Muslims.

3. ISLAM For You
a book on Beliefs and Teachings of Islam.

These three books has originally written in English and translated in Kannada, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Bengali and Assamie languages.

Click here to Order these books in your language

Call for a Gift copy of Quran

Call for a Gift copy of Quran
Quran for Non-Muslim Brothers and Sisters